Types of Casts

Pregnancy Casting

  • Bowls

  • Breast and Belly

  • Torso and Arms: Additional $125 per arm and hand

Pre-Mastectomy Casts

  • Breasts Only

  • Breasts and Torso

  • Torso and Arms: Additional $125 per arm and hand

Bum Casts

  • In-Studio Only

  • Bum and Hips Alone

  • Bum, Hips, and Thighs (Recommended)

*Hands should be done in high definition, in-studio only. High definition casts require more time and materials, which is reflected in the price.

 Casting Details

Low Definition Casting

Done with plaster wraps, capturing the general form of the body. This process requires building up the form with sculptural plaster.

How It Works

The casting process for pregnancy begins between 36 and 38 weeks, with an initial casting session that takes just 30 minutes. This can happen in the comfort of your own home, or at the studio. Once the mold is made, you’ll have the flexibility to choose your preferred design at your own pace. Each custom cast takes approximately 4–6 weeks to complete, and every piece is crafted to fit within your budget, creating a unique, original piece tailored just for you. All other casts have no set timeframe—simply book when you feel inspired!

High Definition Casting

Uses alginate to create a more detailed mold, then plaster is poured in to capture every nuance, such as skin texture and wrinkles. This method is more involved and primarily used for detailed features like hands. All high definition casts are done in-studio.

Casting Options

  • Studio Casting

    If you are in my travel zone, you can book a casting at my home studio in the Lanark Highlands, Ontario, Canada.

  • Home Casting

    Prefer a home casting? If you’re within my travel zone, I can come to you. (Within an hour’s’ drive of Watson’s Corners, Ontario, Canada)

  • Extended Travel Casting

    Live outside my travel zone but want the comfort of home? Share your address, and you may be eligible for a home casting with a small travel fee.

  • Remote & International Casting

    Too far away or in another country? No worries! I can guide you in creating your own home cast, which you can then ship to me for building and finishing touches. I even offer casting kits with easy instructions for clients ready to send their molds to me.


Already Have a Cast?

If you have a homemade cast tucked away—even if it’s seen better days—you can ship it to me for restoration. I’ll bring it back to life with a professional finish!

What to Expect During Casting?

If I come to you, I’ll bring everything needed for the session. We usually work in the kitchen for easy cleanup. All I need is access to a clean countertop and sink. I'll cover the area with sheets, but any mess is easily cleaned with water and paper towels. The plaster doesn’t stain, but I recommend you avoid wearing your favorite clothes—plastic sheets will be used to cover your clothing, and the area being casted will be coated in Vaseline to ensure the plaster doesn’t stick to your skin.

The process typically takes 20 minutes. Once the mold hardens, it's carefully removed. I recommend having a robe handy and planning a shower after the session.

Once I take the mold home, I’ll transform it into your custom artwork!

Nudity & Comfort

Each casting is done with your comfort and privacy in mind. For most torso casts, you’ll wear yoga pants or underwear. Breasts are typically cast without a bra for a more accurate sculpture, but if preferred, you can wear a wireless bra. The process is personal and private—you're in control.

How We Create Your Perfect Piece?

I take the time to understand what matters most to you. From your unique style and the symbols that hold meaning to you, to your preferred colors and textures, we work together to bring your vision to life. I also ensure we stay within your comfortable budget, crafting a one-of-a-kind design you’ll treasure forever.

Let me help you create something beautiful, unique, and personal!

pre-mastectomy torso plaster cast statue